Lounge: 16’7 x 14’2 (5.06m x 4.32m) Wood burning stove with granite surround and slate hearth . Solid wooden floor.
Kitchen: 9’3 x 8’9 (2.83m x 2.65m) Range of high and low level oak kitchen units with granite worktop. Stainless steel sink unit with mixer tap. Electric hob and oven with over head stainless steel extractor fan. Fridge/freezer and washing machine. Tiled floor and part tiled walls.
Bedroom 1: 11’0 x 9’11 (3.36m x 3.03m) Solid wooden floor with cast iron fireplace. Wash hand basin.
Bedroom 2: 11’1 x 5’16 (3.39m x 1.78m) Solid wooden floor.
Bedroom 3: 9’10 x 8’6 (2.99m x 2.59m) Solid wooden floor.
Shower Room: 6’5 x 5’4 (1.91m x 1.61m) White bathroom suite comprising of WC, wash hand basin and corner shower cubicle with electric shower. Tiled floor and floor.